From my perspective my responsibility was very clear:
Get the Local Committees involved in projects (create teams, plan and execute) that generate exchange and learning around Sustainable Development topics using the external platform left by the last term.
I found many challenges that I don't even want to remember right now.
But I found a team willing to do crazy stuff: Dex, Natalie, Dan, Birtan, Susan, Yuan, Nick. And also two great CEEDers: Lucy and Regula.
Today I was reviewing the survey where LCs were supposed to commit to run topic based projects...
Honestly, I was not even expecting answers since it is hard for LCs to access due to Government restrictions at Uni to external servers...
My surprize:
- 7 LCs interested!!!
- 12 Projects with responsible assigned!!!
Besides that:
- 2 Project Managers applying for Heroes Conference Grant in Malaysia!!!