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    Thursday, May 03, 2007

    Sometimes it seems like we failed

    Some of us are always trying to reach our dreams.

    Sometimes it seems like we failed..., but maybe we didn't.

    When Eistein finished College he wanted to start his PhD or to work as researcher for the University. He was not accepted in any of them.

    Instead, he started working at the Patents Office.

    During those days, he did four relevant activities:
    1. Showed that light could be conceived as particles as well as waves.
    2. Proved the existence of atoms and molecules.
    3. Conceived the special theory of relativity, said that there was no such thing as absolute time or space.
    4. Noted an equivalence between energy and mass described by the most famous equation in all of physics, E=mc2.
    Sometimes it seems like we failed..., but maybe we didn't.


    1. Y... en realidad, así me siento ahora.. como si fallara a cada rato... en todo lo que hago..
      Me gustó tu post..
      Cuidate nuevo SSGN president !

      Andrea Rosero
      aiesec cono sur..!
      lc Santiago - chile

    2. Hey Juan!

      It's great to find you here! I hope your energy levels are high in your busy times, ending one adventure to get ready for the new one.

      And about failures - isn't failure only an evaluation about one situation or another? Or our fear about others opinions and the urge to succesfully respond to social pressure? I guess the only real failure can come from inside and be connected with giving up seeing the opportunities.

      Lot of warm hugs from Estonia and see you in Turkey,


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