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    Wednesday, April 18, 2007

    SSGN Board 07-08!!!

    SSGN is the name of the region I was appointed to, It covers: Spain, USA and Latin America.

    The Board is a group is individuals who are responsible to support the delivery regional commitments.

    During the past week, I was waking up earlier or going to to bed late in order to have an acceptable understanding of the candidates applying for the Board.

    The process was very interesting. Getting to know different people finding out about their passions, competencies and strenghts...

    But a decision has to be made and I was aiming for a balanced team.

    The reason is simple, due to the current situation of SSGN more than direction change, we need speed. A balanced team has the characteristic to "keep things on track" which precisly the risk of speeding up :)

    SSGN Board 2007-2008



    1. Congrats on selecting a great team!
      I'll know how that feels soon :)

      See you in 6 weeks!!!

    2. SMART and SEXY SSGN :)


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