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    Saturday, May 16, 2009

    Prepare for an extraordinary future!

    Last weekend I attended an AIESEC event in the city of Gent, Belgium.

    The event aimed to support members of AIESEC to leave the organization and be ready to converge their learning and prepare for an extraordinary future.

    Personally speaking, the event helped me to ground some questions I had to myself and identify some opportunities laying in front of me.

    One exercise that made me feel excited about the future was to write down a list of achievements I would like to have in my life. In that moment I wrote:
    • Be part of a team working on a global project for a well-known corporation within 5 years
    • Finish a (half) marathon or a (half) triathlon within 5 years
    • Start a company and then allocate it to a CEO within 5 years
    • Provide consultancy to NGOs and SMEs to increase their impact using internet as the tool within 5-10 years
    • Help my parents living an awesome retirement time within 10 years
    • Live with my family (wife and kids) in a house sorrounded by green areas near the ocean in the North Pacific in Costa Rica within 10 years
    • Have a column in a newspaper or write articles for especialized magazine on leadership, management and global markets within 10 years
    • Be a teacher at the Engineering Faculty within 10 years
    • Be part of the team creating a long term plan for the development of Costa Rica within 15-20 years
    Nevertheless, the most impactful realization I had is the importance of planning BIG THINGS! and commit to make them happen even if at the end the path will take me in a differente direction.

    Click here to check a similar post of 2006.

    This exercise was facilitated by a person who is committed to support those choosing to live a passionate life, Houston Spencer.

    1 comment:

    1. That's great, as Houston Spencer sais: if your dreams do not scare you, they're not good enough.
      Hope you feel "scared", you're certainly bold!

      Cheers from Brazil,


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