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    Thursday, July 02, 2009

    AIESEC keeps achieving in 2009 despite of the Financial Crisis

    Rotterdam, NL. AIESEC International planned a never-seen growth of 45% for the first two quarters of 2009. The challenge was framed by the financial crisis affecting the world. By June 30, 2009 the targets were overpassed by a committed network of more than 35.000 members around the world.

    This video was shoot in the AIESEC International office on June 30, 12:00 GMT where the target was officially met for the second quarter of the year.

    News from the World about AIESEC

    AIESEC Jordan organizes Youth Leadership for Emerging Jordan
    Middle East North Africa Financial Network - Amman,Jordan
    (MENAFN Press) AIESEC Jordan, the national branch of the world's largest youth organization, organized "Youth Leadership for an Emerging Jordan" on Thursday ...

    AIESEC الأردن تقيم قيادات شابة لأردن واعد و تتبعه بمؤتمرها الوطني ...
    شبكة الشرق الأوسط و شمال أفريقيا للخدمات المالية - عمًان,Jordan
    (MENAFN Press) أقامت منظمة AIESEC الأردن، الفرع الوطني لمنظمة AIESEC العالمية لقاء "قيادات شابة لأردن واعد" و ذلك يوم الخميس الموافق الحادي عشر من حزيران من ...

    AIESEC'ten dünyayı kucaklayan proje
    Bursa Hakimiyet Gazetesi - Bursa,Turkey
    AIESEC Bursa Şubesi tarafından bu sene ilki gerçekleştirilen "Dünyayı Kucakla" projesi 7 farklı ülkeden gençleri İnegöl, İznik, Karacabey ve Mudanya'da lise ...

    中国MBAhome网 - China

    Company Student Projects
    The Moscow Times - Moscow,Russia
    ... in May 2009 by Harvard Business Review Russia, an international organization AIESEC with the partnership of RusHydro, Schneider Electric and IC"ROSNO. ...

    1 comment:

    1. Congratulations to You, Your team and all the Aiesecers from all around the world Juan.

      Let's see the future now, I'm sure that the best is yet to come ...

      David - France


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