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    Monday, May 14, 2012

    Connective Age

    Hi everyone!

    Are you interested on technology and how it is evolving towards the future?

    Would you like to explore how information and communication technology can enable us to live in a more sustainable world?

    Together with two friends, we started to share some perspectives on how connectivity is shaping the our world, we call it Connective Age.

    Have a look here:

    See you!

    Friday, March 23, 2012

    Innovation | OpenIDEO

    "OpenIDEO is a place where people design better, together for social good. It's an online platform for creative thinkers..." OpenIDEO About us.

    I first came across OpenIDEO a few months ago when I joined the challenge: "How might we use social business to improve health in low-income communities?". Immediately felt in love with the diverse background of the people and the amount of inputs coming from all over the world.

    You probably want to participate in the current challenge: "How might we support web entrepreneurs in launching and growing sustainable global businesses?".

    In the current phase people is showcasing "Inspirations" (things already happening around the world), then we will move to "Concepting" (where you can make your owm proposal), to finalize with a selection.

    All "Challenges" are sponsored by organizations willing to take the input forward and all knowledge gathered is free to use with pride.

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