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    Monday, June 15, 2009

    AIESEC in the news!

    Every day, journalists find the story of AIESEC on each corner of the World and every time I read those articles my hearts beats up stronger because it makes me feel that what we do everyday is changing the world little by little.

    ISAF Headquarters Hosts AIESEC Conference

    KABUL, Afghanistan - AIESEC is the world's largest student organization and has worked with ISAF in Afghanistan for the past three years.

    The conference provided an opportunity for the young men and women of AIESEC to discuss their contribution to security in Afghanistan and the perception of ISAF and NATO throughout the country. Conference speakers included Afghanistan's Minister of Education, Minister Farouq Wardak, Minister of Women's Affairs, Minister Hussan Ghazanfar, the Chancellor of Kabul University Professor Hamidullah Amin and ISAF spokesman Brig. Gen. Richard Blanchette.

    "This successful event has helped provide the future leaders of Afghanistan with a platform to voice their opinions," said Blanchette. "In a country where 65 percent of the people are under 25, education is vital in providing a basis for the reconstruction and redevelopment of this country."


    Youngsters make use of summer vacation, work with NGOs

    Chandigarh, India- Patrick Dixon once said “volunteering is a window into the passions of the soul”. It seems the city has found many such windows, especially among the youth.

    With the advent of summer vacations coupled with an array of NGOs working in the city, youngsters are spoilt for choices when it comes to volunteering opportunities.


    Mate-Papo da Aiesec aborda cultura indiana

    Santa Cruz, Brazil - Na próxima terça-feira a AIESEC Santa Cruz promove o Mate-papo Cultural – Edição Índia. O debate será na sala 101 da Unisc, às 19 horas, com a presença do ex-intercambista Télcio Cardoso.

    Graduado em Ciência da Computação pela Unisc, Télcio foi vice-presidente da área de Intercâmbios da Aiesec Santa Cruz e, durante seis meses, realizou seu intercâmbio como consultor de Tecnologia da Informação na Kaavian Systems Private Limited, uma subsidiária da Smartsoft International Inc., empresa norte-americana que possui escritórios em países como Alemanha, México, Austrália e Índia.

    Por meio desse intercâmbio, teve a oportunidade de aliar a convivência com a cultura indiana ao trabalho na sua área de formação. A Índia é um país com desenvolvimento ascendente e importante no cenário da TI.


    如今大学生实习要去海外 AIESEC员能提出申请

    20090615 04:52:46 浙江在线新闻网站



    1. Oi Mae, Todo Bom,
      I am doing a short internship here in Santa Cruz, Brazil and I am actually attending tomorrow the conference " Mate- Papo" of Telcio the trainee that went to Brazil.

      jaja causo conmoción aquí en @St Cruz el hecho de que pusieras la noticia en tu blog!! jaja

      Saludos Mae, haber cuando te das una vuelta por Guate, o nos topamos en diez años haciendo el Plan estratégico para la completa Integración Centroaméricana jaja.


      Nito Estrada

    2. Nito! No lo puedo creer!
      Mae, suerte manana y tomese unas fotos para la aficion


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