Our organization is aiming to grow 100% in the last quarter of the year (October, November and December) compare with the same period of 2007.
The decision to grow 100% is based in what is left to achieve our 2008 goals and what we have in process and almost ready to be delivery.
From my point of view, the challenges to achieve such ambition are organizational focus and members mindset.
The first challenge is to keep a relevant part of our organization focusing on: (1) matching our students with the opportunities we have available, (2) recruit new students intersted in development work and education, (3) and sell more management internships.
The second challenge is the mindset. I have came to realize that not everyone feels comfortable with the verb 'grow' and more interesting that some of us have the tendency to separate growth from quality, as if those aspects would make sense indepedently from each other.
Let me give you an example, a Pizza place is decided to sell more pizzas. When a customer orders a pizza, his/her first expectation is to get the pizza (deliver our promise) and then enjoy the pizza at an affordable price (sustainably). In that way, the customer will come back next time and bring friends along (exponential grow).
Growth in the scale of 100% can only be achieve when the focus and the mindset are aligned and when we bring the organization together building synergies around our common goals.
Check out this video from our partners talking about the 100% Growth Campaign: